The Feral Ecologies Collaboratory engages in complex projects at the intersection of ecology, culture, multisolving for policy and business exploration and development. Current projects are listed below.

Research Institue on Humanity and Nature RIHN
Kyoto, Japan

Revitalizing rural communities through ecosocial entrepreneurship
The rural exodus and how to reverse it. Too often, sustainability solutions can feel distant – technical, bureaucratic, out of reach. But ecosocial entrepreneurship shows that change can come from within communities given the right support. It’s not just about making rural life ‘viable’ but about making it desirable again.
The problem of perverse incentives and the Moloch effect
Why do we keep failing to solve environmental crises? Environmental problems aren’t just about a lack of solutions – in some cases we already know what needs to be done. The real issue is that the system actively resists change. The Moloch effect is a good way to explain why rational choices by individuals and corporations often lead to collectively disastrous outcomes. ‘Breaking free requires rethinking the rules of the game itself.’
The hidden forces blocking climate action
Even when solutions exist, policy inertia keeps us stuck. Governments, corporations, and the public are locked in a cycle of inaction, each blaming the other. This story lays out how policy transitions actually happen, why resistance from dominant industries is so strong, and what strategies can be used to overcome gridlock and induce systemic change.